5 Examples of Follow Us on Social Media Emails That Actually Work

5 Examples of Follow Us on Social Media Emails That Actually Work

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience and promote their brand. According to Statista, there are over 5.16 billion active internet users worldwide, and over 4.76 billion of them are active social media users. These numbers highlight the importance of social media for businesses of all sizes.

One of the most effective ways to build a strong social media presence is by encouraging your email subscribers to follow your social media accounts. However, simply asking your subscribers to follow you on social media is not enough. To make your follow us on social media emails more effective, you need to use the right templates that grab your subscribers’ attention and compel them to take action.

The Basic Structure of a Follow Us on Social Media Email

A well-crafted follow us on social media email should have the following components:

  1. Attention-grabbing subject line
  2. Engaging introduction
  3. Clear call-to-action
  4. Social media links and icons
  5. Closing statement
Follow Us on Social Media Email

Tips for Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers will see, and it needs to be compelling enough to make them want to open your email. Here are some tips to help you craft an attention-grabbing subject line:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: Your subject line should be concise and to the point. Most email clients cut off subject lines after 60 characters, so make sure your message is clear within that limit.
  2. Use action-oriented language: Use action verbs and language that inspires your subscribers to take action.
  3. Personalize it: Use your subscriber’s name or location to make the subject line more personal.
  4. Create a sense of urgency: Use words that create a sense of urgency and make your subscribers feel like they need to take action now.

By following these tips, you can create subject lines that grab your subscribers’ attention and increase the chances of them opening your follow us on social media emails.

Example 1: The Exclusive Offer

The exclusive offer email is one of the most effective ways to encourage subscribers to follow you on social media. This type of email offers something unique and valuable that can only be accessed by your social media followers. For instance, you could provide early access to a sale, a discount code, or exclusive content.

The email should have a clear call-to-action that encourages the recipient to follow you on social media to access the exclusive offer. It should also highlight the benefits of following your brand on social media, such as getting the latest news, updates, and promotions.

Why this type of email works well

The exclusive offer email works well because it creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity that motivates subscribers to follow your brand on social media. By offering something unique that is only available to your social media followers, you provide an incentive for people to connect with your brand on these platforms.

Additionally, the email creates a clear and compelling reason for people to follow you on social media. By highlighting the benefits of following your brand, you provide value to your subscribers and make it clear why they should connect with you on social media.

Email’s effectiveness

The McDonald’s email is an excellent example of how to run a successful social media contest. The email clearly explains the rules and conditions of the contest, describes the prizes, and provides an easy way for customers to become participants. The subject line, “Nominate a Brew-Gooder and Get McCafe for Life,” is attention-grabbing and communicates the key message of the email.

The email’s content is concise and easy to understand, which is crucial for generating maximum engagement. The call-to-action is prominently displayed, and there are clear instructions on how to nominate someone for the contest. The email also emphasizes the benefits of participating, such as the chance to win free McCafe for life.

The visuals used in the email are also effective in capturing the attention of the reader. The email features high-quality images of McDonald’s coffee and breakfast items, which are sure to make the reader hungry and more likely to participate in the contest.

Overall, this email from McDonald’s is a great example of how to effectively run a social media contest and encourage customer engagement.

The McDonald's email is an excellent example of how to run a successful social media contest.

Example 2: The Giveaway

Email giveaways are a great way to encourage social media follows, shares, and engagement. The purpose of these emails is to provide subscribers with an incentive to engage with your brand on social media and to share your content with their followers. The giveaways can be anything from a product, a service, or even a financial reward, as long as it’s valuable enough to your audience.

An excellent example of a giveaway email is one sent by True Citrus, a natural citrus flavorings brand. True Citrus’s social perk campaign is designed to encourage subscribers to share the company’s emails and content with their friends on social media.

Why this type of email works well

Giveaway emails work well because they offer subscribers a chance to win something of value in exchange for sharing your brand with their friends and followers. This type of email taps into the psychological principle of reciprocity, where people feel more inclined to do something for someone else if they feel they have received something in return.

Moreover, giveaway emails have a viral component to them. By encouraging subscribers to share the email with their friends and followers, you are increasing the reach of your brand, and potentially gaining new followers and subscribers.

Email’s effectiveness

True Citrus’s social perk campaign is an excellent example of how to effectively incentivize subscribers to share your content on social media. The campaign consists of three levels of sharing activity, with increasing rewards for each level. For example, by sharing the company’s email on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, subscribers can earn points that can be redeemed for discounts, free products, or even cash.

True Citrus's social perk campaign is an excellent example of how to effectively incentivize subscribers to share your content on social media

Another great example of a giveaway email is the one sent by Mom Tile, a company that creates customized photo tiles. In its Facebook contest, Mom Tile encouraged its subscribers to nominate a mom in their life and share why she’s amazing. The winner would receive a financial reward, and their nomination would be featured on Mom Tile’s social media pages.

Mom Tile encouraged its subscribers to nominate a mom in their life and share why she's amazing.

In conclusion, giveaway emails are an effective way to encourage social media follows and shares, and to increase engagement with your brand. By providing subscribers with a valuable incentive to share your content, you can tap into the power of reciprocity and gain new followers and subscribers.

Example 3: The Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for encouraging people to follow your brand on social media. An effective way to use social proof is by showcasing the number of people who already follow you on various social media platforms. This email type aims to demonstrate to your subscribers that you are a trustworthy and reputable brand, with a significant social media presence.

An excellent example of this email type is one sent by H&M, a global fashion retailer. The email showcases the number of people following H&M on different social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Why this type of email works well

Social proof is a well-known psychological phenomenon where people rely on the actions and opinions of others to make decisions. This is because people often assume that others have more knowledge about a situation, especially if they perceive them to be similar to themselves. Therefore, by demonstrating a significant number of followers on various social media platforms, you are leveraging this psychological phenomenon to encourage your subscribers to follow you too.

Email’s effectiveness

H&M’s email showcasing the number of followers on different social media platforms is an excellent example of how to use social proof effectively. The email highlights the impressive number of followers H&M has on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and provides links to these profiles. The email also includes a call-to-action button to encourage subscribers to follow H&M on social media.

The use of social proof in the email is particularly effective because it demonstrates H&M’s popularity and credibility as a brand. By showcasing the large number of followers, the email implies that H&M is a trusted and respected brand, which is why so many people choose to follow them on social media.

Additionally, the email uses a visually appealing design with high-quality images and clear typography. The layout is easy to read and understand, with a clear call-to-action that stands out. Overall, this email by H&M is a great example of how to use social proof to encourage subscribers to follow your brand on social media.

Using social proof to encourage people to follow your brand on social media is an effective marketing strategy. Demonstrating your popularity and credibility can help build trust with your audience, which can lead to increased engagement and conversions. By showcasing the number of followers you have on various social media platforms, you can leverage the psychological phenomenon of social proof and encourage more people to follow you.

Example 4: The Newsworthy Update

The newsworthy update email is one that informs subscribers about important news or updates related to your brand or industry. These updates can range from product launches to industry trends to company news.

The email’s purpose is to keep subscribers engaged and informed, and to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Why this type of email works well

The newsworthy update email works well for several reasons:

  1. It provides value to subscribers by keeping them informed about important news and updates.
  2. It establishes your brand as a thought leader in your industry, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer trust.
  3. It can drive traffic to your website or social media channels, where subscribers can learn more about your products or services.
  4. It can lead to increased social media engagement, as subscribers may share your updates with their own followers.

Email’s effectiveness

An excellent example of a newsworthy update email is one sent by the fashion retailer ASOS. The email informs subscribers about the company’s new sustainable fashion collection, which is made from recycled materials.

The subject line reads “The new way to do fashion: recycled & sustainable,” which clearly communicates the purpose of the email.

The email itself is visually appealing, with high-quality images of the sustainable fashion collection. The copy is concise and to-the-point, highlighting the key features of the collection and emphasizing ASOS’s commitment to sustainability.

The call-to-action encourages subscribers to shop the collection and learn more about ASOS’s sustainability efforts.

Overall, this newsworthy update email from ASOS is an excellent example of how to keep subscribers informed and engaged, while also establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Example 5: The Personal Invitation

The personal invitation email is an effective way to encourage subscribers to follow a brand on social media by leveraging the power of personalization. In this type of email, the brand directly invites the subscriber to follow them on their social media channels, highlighting the value of doing so and emphasizing the benefits that they will receive.

The email typically starts with a personalized greeting, addressing the subscriber by their first name. The brand then goes on to introduce themselves and explain why the subscriber should follow them on social media. This could include information about the types of content they share, exclusive promotions, or insider access to new products or services.

Why this type of email works well

The personal invitation email works well because it makes the subscriber feel valued and appreciated. By addressing them by name and highlighting the benefits of following the brand on social media, the email creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages the subscriber to take action.

Additionally, personalization has been shown to increase email open rates by up to 29% and click-through rates by up to 41%. This means that by using a personalized approach, brands are more likely to capture the attention of their subscribers and drive engagement.

Example 5: The Personal Invitation

Email’s effectiveness

One brand that has successfully used personal invitation emails to drive social media engagement is Glossier. In their email, they directly address the subscriber by name and invite them to follow them on Instagram, highlighting the value of doing so and emphasizing the exclusive content that they share.

According to a study by Sprout Social, 86% of consumers prefer to follow brands on social media that are authentic and honest. By using a personal invitation email, brands can establish a genuine connection with their subscribers and build a loyal following on social media.

Tthe personal invitation email is an effective way to encourage subscribers to follow a brand on social media by leveraging the power of personalization. By addressing the subscriber by name, highlighting the value of following the brand on social media, and emphasizing the benefits that they will receive, brands can build a loyal following and drive engagement on their social media channels.

Summing up

In today’s digital age, social media is an essential marketing tool for any business. However, getting people to follow your social media accounts can be a challenge. That’s where effective “follow us on social media” emails come in. By leveraging the power of email marketing, you can encourage your subscribers to engage with your brand on social media, increasing brand awareness and ultimately driving sales.

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